Belfast Met students take up employability skills challenge


Belfast Met students took part in an Investment Challenge competition using the Finance Lab simulation.  The event was supported by Invest NI and local finance sector companies Citi and Fintru.

Carolyn Lewis, Curriculum Manager in the School of Business, Management and Finance at the college, explained the benefits of the experience for her students, most of whom are studying BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business

“We are very keen to engage with employers and we really value having students take part in real life experiences.  Working in teams using the Finance Lab simulation has given them a valuable insight into work in the financial sector.  The students have benefited greatly, particularly with regard to the development of their employability skills.

“The BTEC level 3 students taking part were all studying Business, Markets and the Economy and the simulation – with its team-work, problem solving and decision making challenges - has brought the topic to life for them.  Taking part in the Investment Challenge really enhances our classroom delivery.

“The Citi and Fintru representatives who spoke to the students have given them useful guidance on how the skills and attributes used in the competition will differentiate them from other candidates at interview.  We know that our students will have the academic qualifications but we also know that it’s so important for them to be different, both when they fill in the application and when they go for an interview.”

Belfast Met offers a wide-ranging selection of full-time and part-time further and higher education courses, designed to meet students’ needs and aspirations whether they have just left school or are returning to education to upgrade their qualifications for a new career.

The College has developed a dynamic new curriculum that mirrors the priority growth areas identified for Northern Ireland as this is where future jobs will be created. Through partnerships with industry, Belfast Met constantly adapts the curriculum to meet the skill demands of our economy.

The School of Business, Management and Finance offers a dedicated progression path for students from Level 2 to Level 5, embraces innovation and has a track record of introducing new qualifications and developing collaborations with a range of external stakeholders including Universities, other FE colleges and a range of employers.

The College is delighted to be piloting the new Higher Level Apprenticeship (HLA) in Accountancy and have plans to introduce a further HLA in Digital Marketing early in 2016.

Watch the event video on the How It Works page.