Finance Lab in Queen's Trading Room


Queen’s University Management School’s Trading Room gives students the skills, experience and knowledge necessary to prepare them for a career in the financial services sector.

It highlights the School’s commitment to delivering the very best experience for its students and ensuring students have more of an edge in the global jobs market.

The facility is integrated into the following BSc and MSc degree programmes: Actuarial Science and Risk Management; Finance; Accounting and Finance; Computational Finance and Trading; and Risk and Investment Management.

The trading room is also a valuable community resource, allowing younger students to learn about finance and investment in an interactive setting.  A school workshop can be used to illustrate the real world applications of concepts being studied in Maths, Economics or Business Studies, covering some of the following:

  • introduction to degree programmes, and career opportunities in Finance;
  • insights into the Eurozone debt crisis with an analysis of world bond markets;
  • detailed analysis of companies such as Apple and Facebook using financial statements and stock market data;
  • trading competition using the Finance Lab simulation where students compete against each other by buying and selling shares based on breaking news stories.

For further information visit the Management’s School's website.